Family on mission.

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Transition Back to the States - What's Next?

After five months of living in Mexico, Andrea and I are now back in Orange County, California. Through much prayer and seeking God’s face, we decided that it was best for us to move back to California and finish our studies during this season of our lives. Andrea is currently teaching at UCLA and writing her dissertation. I am also taking a few classes at Dallas Theological Seminary for my Doctoral program (Lord help me…)

Moving back to the United States has been a difficult process for me. We are currently living in a one-bedroom apartment. Whenever I see our bed, our table and everything else that we have, I cannot help but to remember the faces of all the children in Mexico. The past two days my heart has been heavy as I wonder if we made the right decision to come back to the states. As I pray every morning, I keep seeing the faces of all the children in San Telmo, Mexico. I can’t escape their faces.

I feel that their faces are a reminder from God never to forget the hurting, the poor, the lost, the broken, and the voiceless. I am constantly reminded to live my life to preach the gospel to such people. I can already feel the temptations and unique pressures of moving back across the border to the United States.

However, with much prayer and surrender, I believe that moving back to the United States is what God desires of us in this season: to faithfully finish our studies and to pour ourselves out in developing and serving with 4 Christ Mission.

Many have been asking what we will be doing next now that we are back in the U.S. First, we strongly sense the Lord telling us that our work with the school and church in Mexico is not finished. We have decided that we will be driving back and forth to the community regularly. Second, we believe the Lord is asking us to fully invest our time, energy and resources in 4 Christ Mission. Up until now, the ministry has been led by seasonal volunteer staff. As the ministry has been growing rapidly, we sense the Lord asking us commit as full-time staff into the ministry. It seems that every other week, another door and opportunity is opening for us to serve both nationally and internationally.

Accordingly, I have decided not to search a position at a local church, but to serve as a full-time Ministry and Missions Director at 4 Christ Mission. Before moving to Mexico, my plan was to start a church once we move back. However, during my short time in Mexico I sensed the Lord strongly putting on my heart to have a vision to mobilize the Western Church to participate in world missions. As I read about the Moravians, and specifically about Count Zinzendorf, God began to burn in my heart a desire to give myself to the spreading of the gospel overseas. O my heart is burning to see the church on fire for the hurting, broken and lost! Resultantly, I will be spending much of my time traveling and speaking to churches and groups with the hopes of moving them to radical commitment to Christ and missions.

I write this to update but also ask for your prayers that Andrea and I will continue to be yielded and surrendered vessels for the Lord. Please pray that we would not compromise our convictions for comfort and convenience. We have many dreams and visions from the Lord that we hope to accomplish, but we want to simply obey Him and do nothing out of selfish-ambition.

Here are a few specific things we ask that you pray for:

1.    Field of Grace (FOG). A team of 18 college and young adults has moved into San Telmo, Mexico for 6 months to serve the school and community. We are calling this new team, “Field of Grace Ministry.”

2.    Vision. Pray that God will give Andrea and I more vision and guidance as we serve with 4 Christ Mission. We are praying and hoping to start an office with full-time staff sometime this year.

3.    School. Pray that God will help Andrea and myself with our studies. We both are having little motivation to continue with our schooling due to our desire to move back to Mexico. However, we believe this is not what God wants of us in this season.

4.    Finances. Pray for financial provision as Andrea and I have decided not to take an income from 4 Christ Mission. However, all personal support will be funneled through the organization. We have a conviction from the Lord to use as much resources as we can for the Lord and harvest! 

If you would like to partner with us through any financial support please click here. In the memo section please write *William & Andrea, Directors". For more information please feel free to contact me at


The boys from the Field of Grace team is now going to the Rehabilitacion de Esperanza. Brings me so much joy. 

Pastor Romeli and the team ministering to our brothers. 

Saturday Youth Ministry at Ven A Cristo is still going strong with our new team! 

An amazing God.

18 College and Young adults serving the Lord in San Telmo, Mexico! 

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