The Making of a Vision

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end-it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” ^Habakkuk 2:3

Habakkuk had received a vision from the Lord regarding the end the Babylonian captivity. His heart was in pain and turmoil over the current condition of his people. His heart was breaking over what is and what it could be.

He was possessed with a vision from the Lord but was waiting for God’s timing. Habakkuk was living in-between the times of a promise and a fulfillment.

One of the most difficult things about having a vision is not discerning God’s will, but discerning God’s timing. Many people have received a vision from the Lord. They have prayed, they have searched and they have found what they believe the Lord is calling them to do.

However, it is one thing to discern God’s will and another thing to discern God’s timing. “For still the vision waits its appointed time…if it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay” ^Habakkuk 2:3. Even though Habakkuk’s situation was more of a prophetic vision over the nation of Israel this verse is very applicable to us today.

Habakkuk says the vision waits its appointed time. This means that every vision from the Lord has a waiting period. It has a time of silence that must take place within every individual’s heart. One of the hardest things to do when we receive a vision from the Lord is to wait. Nevertheless the waiting is one of the most important things we can do once we received a vision from the Lord.

Why is waiting for the appointed time so important? Because it is in the waiting that the vision begins to boil within our hearts. When we try to carry out God’s vision too fast, it will be premature. It will be lukewarm at best. However, it is during the waiting period that the vision begins to consume us. It takes hold of us. It is no longer just a picture of what could be, but a vision of what must be.

Another thing that the waiting period does is that it prepares us for the vision. Many people don’t realize this but God uses people. God prepares his people to fulfill His vision on earth! Joseph had a dream that one day his father and brothers would all bow down before him and he would be their leader (Gen 37:1-11). His brothers and father symbolized all of the Israelites submitting under this leadership. Moses had a vision that he would deliver his people out of slavery under the Egyptians (Ex 2:11-12). David had a vision that one day he will be the king of Israel and lead the entire nation under God’s law (1 Sam 16:13). All three men had great visions but also had an extended waiting period before the vision became a reality.

Joseph waiting roughly 13 years from the time he had his dream and becoming the Prime Minister of Egypt. Moses waited 40 years in the wilderness before returning to Egypt to deliver the Israelites. David waited roughly 15 years from the time he was anointed by Samuel and actually becoming king.

Why? The greater the vision, longer the preparation. The bigger the vision you have, the longer the waiting period will be.

Many people fail at this point. They cannot wait and cannot persevere. Many people don’t realize what they are going through right now is God’s training ground. It is God’s custom made test to prepare and train you for the exact work He has in store for your life.

I pray that God would teach every single one of us how to wait. I pray that during this season of your life rather than being frustrated to seize and own the opportunities right in front of you! I pray that God would consume you with passion and convictions straight from heaven.

So what can you do while you are in the waiting period?

  1. Pray. Apart from prayer the Christian shouldn’t be making any major decisions in their lives. Prayer is what safeguards of from making worldly and fleshly desires. When we pray God listens and when we wait, God speaks!

  2. Seek wise counsel. Reach out to people who have gone before you and have more experience in the field you are passionate about. Ask them for their wisdom and guidance.

  3. Be faithful. God has you exactly where he wants you to be. What you are facing today is the test that is preparing you for tomorrow.

  4. Prepare yourself for the work that is ahead of you. Train, read and grow in your character and gifting so that when the time comes you will be equipped to accomplish all that God has called you to do. 

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end-it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” ^Habakkuk 2:3

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