I’m Tired


I am a little tired from this fight.
I am more fatigue than I want to admit.
I have more questions than I have answers.
I am more distracted than I am focused.
I see more fog than I see vision.
I am more discouraged than I have faith.

As I keep praying,
As I keep reading,
As I keep thinking,

About all that is happening with COVID19,

I am tired.

But, I must move forward. We must move forward. We must keep fighting.
We must keep believing. We must keep praying and we must keep trying.

Courage is not found in strength, it is found in weakness.

Faith is not found in certainty, it is found in clinging to the Lord.

To those who are tired,
To those who are fatigue,
To those who are losing hope,

Remember Jesus.

He was tired as He walked up Calvary.
He was fatigue as He kept Himself on the Cross.

But when He thought of the Father’s glory and the dying and hurting world, He kept moving forward.

Tonight, my prayer is for strength. Strength for myself and strength for all those who are fighting.

Doctors, nurses, health officials.
Pastors, community leaders, business owners.
Grandma, Grandpa, mom, dad, families.
Those who lost their jobs.
Those who lost their loved ones.
Those who are fighting to keep their family afloat.

To those who are tired,

Christ is there with You. Crying with You. Holding You. Carrying you. Let us all lean into Him tonight.

We need you Lord. “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” ^2 Corinthians 12:9.

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