Don’t Give Up!

Your greatest point of tension and struggle is an indicator of your greatest potential for Kingdom impact. The warfare that surrounds a specific area in your life is a clue to what the enemy is most afraid of being released over you! The fighting, the backlash and the discouragement all points to what’s on the other side.

The tension in your marriage is because the enemy knows how much damage you’ll do for the Kingdom together.

The struggle in your leadership is because the enemy senses your divine call to serve His people.

The discouragement in your ministry and career is because the enemy knows the territory you will be taking for the Lord.

The backlash in your family, friends and relationships is because the enemy knows a strong team around you will be unstoppable in His hands.

Don’t give up! Don’t let the enemy have his way! Have courage! Persevere to the end as you remember how Christ persevered to the Cross!

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